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Metal Plating Waste Water
Metal Plating Waste Water
The most common issues with the metal plating industry are the high levels of aluminum, chromium, copper, nickel, phosphorus and sometimes zinc. All these metals can be removed by precipitating the dissolved parameter to a solid. The conventional method of treating this water is having 2 to 3 reaction chambers, where the pH is raised to 9-10.5 to precipitate nickel and copper and then lowered to pH 6.5 to 7 to precipitate aluminum phosphate to remove the phosphorous and aluminum. A third reaction chamber is required to add a polymer to assist in the floc development to improve settling. The conventional method to separate the solids is a Lamella Plate clarifier. Figure 1 below shows a conventional metal plating wastewater treatment system.
Figure 1: Conventional System with three reactors, lamella plate clarifier, sludge thickener and filter press.
The problem with the conventional system is the complexity of chemical addition and the management of the reactors to create a stable floc that will settle rapidly in the clarifier. In a recent application to treat metal plating waste water (5 m3/hr -20 gpm), a comparison was made for floor space requirements for the conventional clarifier versus the RSL Membrane™. The clarifier required a floor space of 12.2 m long by 3 m wide versus the RSL Membrane™, which is 2 m by 1.2 m. The RSL Membranes™ provides > 90% reduction in floor space. Floor space in a metal plating shop is an important cost factor.
Figure 2: RSL Membrane™ which replaces the reactors 2 and 3 and the lamella plate clarifier
In addition, because of the robustness of the RSL Membrane™ to handle high solid loads, the need for reactors is limited to one where the pH is raised in the equalization tank.
Below is the data on an aluminum etching plant displaying the metal removal using precipitation and the RSL Membrane™.
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RSL Membranes™- Economic Impact of High Recovery membranes -presenting at the February 10 - February 13 2025 Produced Water Society 35th Annual Conference -Houston Texas
RSL Membranes™- Reducing Sludge Volumes and Creating Fast Capex Payback -Invited to present at Society of Petroleum Engineers “ Membrane Separation Processes Applied to Produced Water Management, September 16 – 18, 2025, JW Marriott Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
RSL Membranes compared to Conventional UF Membranes -presenting at the International Water Conference November 9 to 13 2025, Hilton Lake Buena Vista. Orlando Florida
Mr Wong’s Simplicity- 3 easy operating steps
Colloids separates from the water using the natural forces explained by the DLVO Theory
Not a barrier type membrane technology
High Flux rates of 250 to 850 lmh
Replaces clarifiers, flotation, media filters, oil water separators and conventional UF/MF membranes
Dead end flow design- 90% energy reduction
Floor Area requirements reduced by 25% to 40%.
Modular Design from 1.5 m3/hr to 400 m3/hr.
Robust – accepts wide variation of TSS and oil in feedwater
98.5 to 99.9 % recovery- low reject volume
Significantly reduce scheduled acidic and caustic CIP compared to conventional membranes
Eliminates or reduces coagulant addition
Can operate semi-autonomously
Removal of dissolved Iron, Aluminum, Zinc, Silica and other elements