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Webinar -RSL Membranes™ - Available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese and Malaysian
Pretreatment for Desalination
Pretreatment for Desalination
Desalination facilities for conversion of sea water or brackish water, to potable water or industrial process water typically rely on nanofiltration (NF) membranes or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. Evaporators are also used to treat difficult waters with high TDS and organics.
RSL Membranes™ are an excellent method to pretreat water for this application. RO membranes and evaporators are sensitive to high levels of silica, which will cause fouling in both RO membranes and evaporators. Parameters such as aluminum, barium, iron and zinc can create fouling issues as well. A significant benefit of the RSL Membrane™ is its ability to absorb certain metals during the filtration process. Testing and ICP analysis has provided a data base which confirms that RSL™ Powder, used as the membrane skin layer, has consistently adsorbed:
Aluminum >85%
Barium > 70%
Boron >40%
Fe >85%
Si >65%
Other metals, to a lesser extent are also being adsorbed.
Table 1 summarizes a study that evaluated the adsorption capability of RSL™ Powders compared to conventional media (Activated Alumina and Diatomaceous Earth- DE) used for filter cake/dynamic membrane filtration processes. With this level of adsorption capability, specifically for barium and silica, RSL Membranes™ are an excellent choice for pretreatment of water prior to RO membranes in pure water applications.
Because the RSL Membranes™ can handle a high suspended solid load (as high as 5000 ppm), the technology replaces conventional clarifiers or DAF’s. If softening of the water is required through the use of lime or NaOH addition, calcium and magnesium can be precipitated and removed via the RSL Membrane™. Furthermore, the RSL Membranes™ have been used extensively to remove high amounts of silica with the addition of poly aluminum chloride to cause a crystallization of the silica.
RSL Membrane™ were compared to Veolia Ceramem membranes in the first assessment of the RSL Membranes™. The technologies were evaluated for pretreatment prior to an RO membrane. RSL Membranes™ outperformed the Veolia Ceramic UF membranes. Flux rates were 10 times the ceramic membranes and produced similar quality water (SDI < 3 and typically < 1). In the above photo, the white trailers contain Veolia’s ceramic membranes and the small blue trailer to the left contain the RSL membranes™. As you can see the footprint impact is significant. Both systems had the same flow rate and were operated for a year, side by side, with full time operation over a four-month period. The Ceramic membranes had fouling issues and were limited to a TSS concentration < 100ppm in the feed water. RSL Membranes™ could operate over a large range of TSS levels.
The RSL™ system was evaluated by Epcor Water, a well-respected third-party operator. The photo to the left shows the Epcor operators assembling a RSL Membrane™ bundle of 9 mm diameter sintered stainless steel tubes.
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RSL Membranes™- Economic Impact of High Recovery membranes -presenting at the February 10 - February 13 2025 Produced Water Society 35th Annual Conference -Houston Texas
RSL Membranes™- Reducing Sludge Volumes and Creating Fast Capex Payback -Invited to present at Society of Petroleum Engineers “ Membrane Separation Processes Applied to Produced Water Management, September 16 – 18, 2025, JW Marriott Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
RSL Membranes compared to Conventional UF Membranes -presenting at the International Water Conference November 9 to 13 2025, Hilton Lake Buena Vista. Orlando Florida
Mr Wong’s Simplicity- 3 easy operating steps
Colloids separates from the water using the natural forces explained by the DLVO Theory
Not a barrier type membrane technology
High Flux rates of 250 to 850 lmh
Replaces clarifiers, flotation, media filters, oil water separators and conventional UF/MF membranes
Dead end flow design- 90% energy reduction
Floor Area requirements reduced by 25% to 40%.
Modular Design from 1.5 m3/hr to 400 m3/hr.
Robust – accepts wide variation of TSS and oil in feedwater
98.5 to 99.9 % recovery- low reject volume
Significantly reduce scheduled acidic and caustic CIP compared to conventional membranes
Eliminates or reduces coagulant addition
Can operate semi-autonomously
Removal of dissolved Iron, Aluminum, Zinc, Silica and other elements