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Produced Water- Recycle- Five Case Studies

The New 100 m3/ hour RSL Membrane™ treatment module

Oil and gas operations generate high amounts of water with oil and gas production. This water is known as “produced water”. For every m3 or bbl of oil produced, there are 4 to 8 m3 or bbl of water produced. The produced water typically contains TSS (50 to 300 ppm), turbidities ranging from 100-1000 NTU, high TDS specifically sodium and chlorides (2000 to 175,000 ppm), and oil (30 to 1000 ppm). The RSL Membranes™ treat produced water in this high TDS environment. One process unit, the RSL Membranes™, can separate colloidal solids and oil simultaneously such that the treated water is consistently a high quality (< 5 ppm of oil-typically 1 ppm, < 1 ppm of TSS and < 1-micron particle size). The capability of the RSL Membranes™ has been demonstrated in five case studies.

1. Ft McMurray, Alberta-Horizon Mine – Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.(CNRL)

The first serious assessment using a third party occurred at the Horizon Oil Sands mining site in Ft McMurray Alberta. CNRL needed a pretreatment technology for an RO system they were considering for their recycled produced water used in their bitumen recovery process. The source of the water was their process tailings pond. They initially assessed twelve technologies. From that assessment, two technologies were selected ; RSL Membranes™ and Veolia’s ceramic membranes with a silica carbide skin layer. These two technologies were then evaluated over a 12 month time frame by a third party operator. The RSL Membranes™ not only performed consistently, they also outperformed the ceramic membrane with a 10 fold improvement in flux rates. In addition, the RSL Membranes™ performed consistently at varying raw water quality, whereas the ceramic membranes were limited in operation up to TSS levels of <100 mg/l. The table below provides a summary of the treatment results.

2. Dajing China -Petro China

In 2019, after two years of evaluating the RSL Membrane™ technology in laboratory tests and small field applications, Petro China purchased a 25 m3/hr (4000 bbl/day) RSL Membrane™ treatment system. The system operated for one year until operations were closed due to Covid. The treatment system is now been refurbished and will be placed back into operation. Isle Utilities, a third-party global water technology assessor, assessed the RSL Membrane™ technology and the results of operation at the Dajing Oil field. The Isle Utility assessment was undertaken as per a contract via a group of major offshore oil production E & P companies. Their interest in the RSL Membranes™ was the small footprint. Isle Utilities was responsible for an assessment that compared many technologies that could be used to treat produced water from offshore oil and gas production platforms. The conclusion of their assessment identified RSL Membranes™, with its small footprint, as the lead technology to be considered for the treatment of produced water generated on offshore environments. The recommendation was based on the excellent performance data obtained from the operation of the RSL Membranes™ in the Dajing oil field. The main data points assessed were turbidity < 0.5 NTU, particle size <0.65 micron, TSS< 1 mg/l and oil < 5 mg/l. Petro China has rated RSL Membranes™ as the best available produced water treatment technology in the world.

Dajing China: Operators taking sample on 25 m3/hr RSL Membrane System™
Permeate 25 m3/hr – Petro China-Dajing Production Zone

3. Midland Texas November 2021-February 2022

This case study was the result of a 9 million dollar financing where the financing consortium wanted to see physical real time proof the RSL Membrane™ technology could perform as stated. A 10 m3/hr (800 bbl/day) RSL Membrane™ was operated for a four-month period and was reviewed by the financing consortium. The operating data confirmed the following.

4. Operation at a Salt Water Disposal (SWD) facility- Barstow Texas- new 100 m3/hr (15000
bbl/day August -October,

20offshorecase study was generated as a result of the operator of an SWD wanting to apply the RSL Membranes™ to improve the capacity of their SWD by removing residual oil. The intent was to increase flow into the SWD but not increase the conventional oil water separation tankage known as a gun barrel. For DBE Hytec, this field application was useful as DBE Hytec had just built it’s first 100 m3/hr (15000 bbl/day) produced water treatment system and needed a location to commission the process unit. The process unit treated water from two locations at the SWD facility.

The results of those two test locations are displayed in the table below. Unfortunately, the second location at the inlet of the gun barrel did not result in the treatment of a pad layer. Just prior to the RSL Membranes™ being connected to this location, the operator had cleaned the tanks and the pad layer did not develop during the time period that the RSL Membranes™ were treating water from this location. Nevertheless, this location did allow for the treatment of water directly from the pipeline which transports the produced water to this SWD facility.

Setting up RSL Membranes™ Sea Container unit at SWD Facility – Barstow TX
Inside Container there are two operating Skids with 4 housings

By opening the double wide doors at the ends of the trailer unit, the membranes within the housings are accessible. The flange cover on the membrane housing can be removed exposing the membrane tube bundle which slides out of the housing via a slide out tray.

The Treated permeate water resulting from the treatment of the water from the bottom of the Gun Barrel

The following table provides a more detailed analysis of the treatment capability of the RSL Membranes™.
The data confirms the ability of the technology to provide a high level of

In addition, the operation of the RSL Membrane™ at the inlet location of the gun barrel confirmed the RSL Membrane™ can treat water directly from a produced water pipeline thereby avoiding the use of a SWD for recycling purposes. This is a significant benefit in that an RSL Membrane™ module can be set up easily at any riser location along a produced water pipeline to provide water for fracking or EOR applications in proximity to the pipeline.

Water Quality Analysis of Waters from a Salt Water Disposal Facility- Barstow, Texas
Date October 14-22 October 27-22
  Raw water pipeline Reduction based on treated water Bottom of Gun Barrel % Reduction based on treated water Treated water Raw water from Pad layer region of Gun Barrel Treated water % Reduction based on treated water
Turbidity 73 100.00% 120 120100.00% <0.2 27 <0.2 100.00%
TSS (ppm) 94 100.00% 162 100.00% <1 26 <1 100.00%
Oil (ppm) 10 100.00% 7 100.00% <2.5 10 <2.5 100.00%
pH 6.51   6.47   6.78 6.54 6.52  
ORP -95   -130   132 -42 95  
H2S 0   0   0 0 0  
CO2 246 -22.36% 285 -5.61% 301 198.00 282 -42.42%
Al (ppm) 0.15 0.00% 0.15 0.00% 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.00%
Arsenic (ppm) 0.15 0.00% 0.15 0.00% 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.00%
Barium (ppm) 33.669 -16.26% 30.663 -27.65% 39.142 37.00 36.2 2.16%
Boron (ppm) 46.443 9.26% 46.952 10.25% 42.141 45.00 39.3 12.67%
Calcium (ppm) 12204 -14.20% 16308 14.54% 13937 10422 8853 15.05%
Chloride (ppm) 127091 21.20% 128992 22.36% 100143 110790 101003 8.83%
Iron (ppm) 12.42 99.88% 2.168 99.31% 0.015 9.80 0.015 99.85%
Lithium (ppm) 23 8.70% 23 8.70% 21 17.40 17 2.30%
Manganese (ppm) 5 -20.00% 7.9 24.05% 6 5.50 5.8 -5.45%
Magnesium (ppm) 3102 15.22% 3415 22.99% 2630 1948.00 1879 3.54%
Potassium (ppm) 1295 12.28% 1365 16.78% 1136 894.00 732 18.12%
Sodium (ppm) 60630 30.20% 56740 25.42% 42317 50314.00 40657 19.19%
Strontium (ppm) 1657 4.59% 2017 21.62% 1581 1072.00 1581 -47.48%
Sulfate (ppm) 315 -23.81% 332 -17.47% 390 224.00 245 -9.38%

5. Operation in South Texas to treat Produced Water at an E & P site: December -2022 to present-2023

The RSL Membranes were moved from the Barstow SWD site to a E & P operating site where there was a need to operate on a 24 hour-7 day a week basis and treat water as generated at varying flow rates and quality. The Operator paid for the treatment of the water at commercial rates. In addition adjacent to this site was another site where the E & P operator was using flotation (DAF) technology, a technology considered as the competition to RSL Membranes™.

Easy Mobility for the RSL Membrane™ Treatment Unit- 100 m3/ hr being moved from Barstow, Texas to a southern Texas E & P Operator Site.

The RSL Membranes after two months of operation with the slide out tray for easy maintenance.

In this particular operation, the E & P operator was concerned with iron in the treated water. As a result hydrogen peroxide H2O2 was used to oxidize the iron to a precipitated solid before the water was treated by the RSL Membranes™.

Below are the results of

The results confirmed the production of high quality water, residual oil removal as well as iron removal. All of these parameters were superior to the DAF technology output at the adjacent site. However, in this case study a very significant new benefit of the RSL Membranes™ was demonstrated. When compared to the DAF technology, the RSL Membranes™ have a 90% reduction in sludge production volumes. Managing sludge is very expensive. This high level of sludge volume reduction provides a further and significant cost advantage in favor of the RSL Membranes™

Duplicate samples of Raw water without H2O2, Raw water with H2O2, and RSL Membrane treated water (permeate).
Produced Water Analysis- Treated by RSL Membranes South Texas
Date February 13-23- average of two separate samples ( Feb 11 and 12)
  Raw Produced
Water before Hydroxide addition
% Reduction based on treated water Raw Produced
Water after Hydroxide addition
% Reduction based on treated water Permeate (treated) from RSL Membranes
Turbidity 135 98.52% 190-390 99.31% <2
TSS (ppm) 94 94.68% 110-290 97.50% <5
Oil (ppm) 56 95.54% 93 97.31% <2.5
pH 6.9   7   6.78
ORP -95   180-310   200-375
Al (ppm) <5 0.00% <5 0.00% <5
Arsenic (ppm) <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Barium (ppm) 13.7 1.46% 14 6.25% 13.5
Boron (ppm) 113 1.77% 116 4.31% 111
Calcium (ppm) 6570 10.35% 6500 9.38% 5890
Chloride (ppm)          
Cobalt (ppm) <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Chromium (ppm) <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Copper (ppm) <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Iron (ppm) 7 71.43% 10.5 80.95% <2
Lead (ppm) <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Lithium (ppm) 94.4 10.70% 92.3 8.67% 84.3
Magnesium (ppm) 565 2.65% 606 9.24% 550
Manganese (ppm) 4.09 19.32% 3.75 12.00% 3.3
Nickel <1 0.00% <1 0.00% <1
Phosphorus 4.28 69.63% 3 54.70% 1.3
Potassium (ppm) 1160 12.07% 1160 12.07% 1020
Sodium (ppm) 26400 5.68% 27400 9.12% 24900
Strontium (ppm) 622 6.27% 617 5.51% 583
Sulfate (ppm)          
Zinc (ppm) 12.4 89.11% 11 87.73% 1.35